Leading Child Support Lawyer in Houston

At Bo Nichols, we help clients navigate the complicated and overwhelming process of child support. With the help of an experienced Houston child support attorney, you will get a better understanding of the family law and your rights as a parent.


This includes paying child support. In the state of Texas, Texas Family Code has guideline percentages which apply to the first $9,200.00 of the non-custodial parent’s monthly net resources. If the child has proven special needs, then additional support may be warranted. The non-custodial parent is the parent that the child does not reside with most of the time. Even though these laws are in place, the Judge, at their discretion can give more or less than the guidelines of child support. It’s important to understand what you are entitled to when it comes to child support and what child support means. A professional child support attorney in Houston can help you modify the order or get the appropriate child support.

When you have children, it is your obligation to financially care for those children when they are living with you and when they are not living with you, and at Bo Nichols Law, we believe in child support. We also believe that the custodial parent should not expect to be able to live off the child support they are given by the court. With us, you will have the assistance of a child support lawyer in Houston who will help ensure the best possible outcome for you and your child. We will fight for your children, because we believe the children should not suffer because of the decisions of the parents.

Child Support Lawyers Houston


Financial support paid by a parent to help support a child or children of whom they do not have custody. Child support can be entered into voluntarily or ordered by a court or a properly empowered administrative agency, depending on each state’s laws. The support can come in different forms, including:

  • Medical support, where the child(ren) are provided with health coverage, through private insurance from the non-custodial parent (NCP) or public assistance that is reimbursed whole or in part by the NCP, or a combination there of.
  • Monetary payments, in the form of a one-time payment, installments, or regular automatic withholdings from the NCP’s income, or the offset of State and/or Federal tax refunds and/or administrative payments made to the NCP, such as Federal retirement benefits.

See more at : Learn more about “child supports terms.

“Frequently Asked Questions About Bo Nichol's Child Support Services”

Yes, because child support cases are often extremely complicated. Anyone can face issues despite having a good understanding with their partner. Hiring a child support lawyer in Houston means you will benefit from someone who is on your side and has the required legal knowledge of child support matters.
Child support laws in Texas provide these guideline calculations to non-resident parents: 20% of the net monthly income is paid to support a single child and 5% is added for each additional child. If the net monthly income of the obligor is more than $7500, the court applies the same calculation to the amount above $7500. Remember, these are guidelines and if the obligee can prove that the child needs more support due to special needs, the court can order the non-resident to pay more.
In Texas, a judge can send the non-custodial parent for up to six months in jail for not paying the child support on a court’s order.
There are often times the parents come to an agreement about waiving off child support so that the non-custodial parent is no longer required to pay. While this agreement is possible, it still needs approval by a judge. Likewise, a child support attorney in Houston can make sure this arrangement works out without any complications.
There’s no formula in Texas law to lower child support when the parents have 50/50 custody. The parents will have to follow the Texas guideline for child support until they agree to another form of child support that is approved by a judge.
When the State Disbursement Unit receives the payment, it usually takes 5 to 7 business days for it to be delivered to the custodial parent.
While making a decision, the court takes several factors into consideration. Most importantly, it factors in the child’s age, financial resources of the parents including assets, income, and debts and whether the custodial parent can support the child.
Child Support

Laws and Resources

We have listed some resources for your convenience so you can do your own research on where to find the laws in Texas regarding Child Support and how to determine the basic Child Support you might deserve. If you have any questions regarding your Child Support, please call us at (713) 227-4747.

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